Membership Levels

Welcome to the Membership portal of Association for Studies of Religion.

This service is for the registration and management of membership for ASR only. For member benefits, including members only access to online resources and publications, please visit

About Membership


Membership of the association is open to individual teachers, student teachers or those with an interest in promoting and supporting the study of religion. Corporate membership is also available to schools and other organisations with an interest in the study of religion. A corporate membership provides for up to five teachers or representatives of the organisation to access member resources and complimentary attendance at EACH of the 2 Twilight Conferences held each year.


Member benefits include access to a range of online resources and complimentary and discounted professional learning opportunities including the Association’s conference(s) each year.


Membership fees are set annually by the Committee and membership is valid from January to December each year. For 2018 the membership fees have been set at

  • Individual members    $60
  • Concession*                  $40
  • Corporate members    $250

Membership is valid for 12 months beginning on 1 Jan – 31 December each year.

This facility is hosted by PTC NSW on behalf of ASR. 

Level Price  
ASR Individual membership $80.00 now.
Membership expires on 31/12/2024.
ASR Concessional membership $40.00 now.
Membership expires on 31/12/2024.
ASR Corporate membership $280.00 now.
Membership expires on 31/12/2024.